Brain Injury Claims Lawyer |
Medical & Clinical Negligence Barrister |
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What My Clients Say |
What Other Lawyers Say |
“He is an immensely experienced barrister who has the ability to put clients at ease.”
“Bill was inspirational, I now know my son has a secure future, and I have the strength to carry on.”
Chambers UK 2015
Client’s Mother
“He's a brilliant advocate and
incredibly sharp on his feet.”
“Exchange Chambers’ Bill Braithwaite QC is ‘exceptionally gifted’.”
Chambers UK 2015
Legal 500
“Thank you for introducing some sunshine into our lives and burning off that thick litigation fog! ”
“Instructing Bill on this case was pivotal to the successful outcome that was finally achieved.”
Client’s Father
Senior Solicitor
“Bill brings to each case, knowledge, experience and expertise that defendants find difficult to match.”
“Observers love working with claimant
specialist Bill Braithwaite QC”
Professor Mike Barnes, Neurological Rehabilitation, Newcastle
Chambers UK: Guide to the Legal Profession
“Big name Bill Braithwaite QC is considered to be simply outstanding in cross-
“His outstanding quality is that he cares passionately for the injured client.”
Chambers UK: A Client’s Guide to the UK Legal Profession
Senior Solicitor
“It is impossible to fail to be impressed by the quality
of his approach and analysis of facts.”
“Bill has an acute mind and has the gift of making complex situations appear straightforward.”
Senior Solicitor
Senior Solicitor
“When you work with Bill, you know you have the best claimant barrister in the country by your side.”
“I knew that Joe has been tenaciously, comprehensively and expertly represented.”
Senior Solicitor
Joe and Joanne
“He is really passionate about pursuing
justice for the claimant.”
“He has the ability to put clients at their ease while simultaneously being a fierce advocate for them.”
Chambers UK Bar Directory 2015
Chambers UK Bar Directory 2015
“I found Bill to be thorough and very good at explaining to my client the expert evidence.”
“We can't begin to imagine what we would have
done without you.”
Senior Solicitor
Client and his family
“It was a bad day when I had my accident but a good day when I met you so again thank you very much.”
“We thank you for your experience, knowledge and understanding at such a horrific time in our lives.”
David Tolley
Zoe Robinson -
“May you go on winning battles and righting wrong using the law as only you can!”
“We feel you are a credit to your profession and
always treated us with feeling.”
Nyree Dawn Porter -
Mr and Mrs Fox
“We cannot thank you enough and we shall
never forget you, nor will Johnpaul.”
“The final settlement was more than I expected and I can not thank or praise Bill enough for this.”
Jenny, Paul and Johnpaul
Gary Smith
“Bill gave clear, pragmatic advice and guidance, but he never forgot there was a boy in the middle of it all.”
“I cannot express my thanks for taking the time and trouble to take on my case, and for all your help, advice and wisdom.”
Julie Eeles
Nyree Dawn Porter -
“He combines forensic analysis with a very gentle and caring way with the clients.”
“He lives up to his reputation as one of the leading catastrophic injury lawyers in the country.”
Chambers Directory 2014
Chambers directory 2014
“I am so grateful -
wilderness for many years.”
“Thank you Mr Braithwaite QC... Bill, as you helped me through the dark into the light again!”
Nyree Dawn Porter -
Stuart Parry
Brain Injury Compensation Lawyer -
Services, Cases, Testimonials | Severe Brain Injury Claim Lawyers
Brain and Spinal Injury Medical Negligence Barrister
Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Solicitors -
Testimonials for Bill Braithwaite QC | Reviews for Bill Braithwaite QC
Questions for Brain & Spinal Damage Lawyers | Testimonials
About Bill Braithwaite QC | Brain Injury blog | Contact
5th Floor
201 Deansgate
M3 3NW
One Derby Square
L2 9XX
Oxford House
Oxford Row
46 New Broad Street,
Bill Braithwaite QC | Call Me Now on 07885 185 678
Throughout my working life as a specialist severe brain injury compensation lawyer and barrister QC, I have represented people and their families who have suffered serious and traumatic brain and spinal cord damage, and travel the country visiting victims and their families.
As a barrister for over 40 years and a QC for over 20 years, I have always practised as a serious brain and spinal cord injury barrister, and since becoming a QC in 1992, I work exclusively for people and families who find themselves the victims of such injuries and fight on their behalf for the compensation they deserve.
I never work for defendants. In other words, I never defend those who caused the injury, and I never work for their insurance companies.
Annually -
I have finalised over a thousand brain and spinal cord injury claims during my 23 year career as a QC, and in this capacity I regularly conclude compensation claims worth over £50 million every year.
This level of success, together with my renowned expertise in getting maximum compensation for both traumatic brain and spinal cord injury victims and their families, is why I am a highly-
As well as having been featured in The Times newspaper (as Lawyer of the Week), I am the author of a specialist book on severe, traumatic and serious brain and spinal cord injury “Brain and Spine Injury – the Fight for Justice”, and I have edited other books about serious injury. Please contact me for a free copy.
Please feel free to take a look at my Case Reports, and if you would like to discuss using my specialist services, or would just like expert advice without any obligation, please feel free to contact me. There is absolutely no up-
I represent victims with all kinds of catastrophic brain and spinal damage, regardless of the clinical classification. So whether your injury is a primary traumatic brain injury (TBI) which happens straight away, or a secondary injury which develops over time, I always marshal my experience and skill to get my clients the very highest compensation claim award possible.
My fight for you is completely independent of any clinical diagnosis with respect to whether the injury is focal (from contact with a physical object), or diffuse (the result of acceleration or deceleration). What matters is your right for the very highest compensation that the law of the land allows.
Bill Braithwaite QC speaks about his experience as a leading brain injury compensation lawyer
Video clip of Bill Braithwaite describing his expertise as a brain & spinal injury claims lawyer.
Bill Braithwaite QC talks about the importance of selecting the right brain injury barrister.
Bill Braithwaite QC discusses the critical issue of choosing an expert brain injury solicitor.
Bill Braithwaite QC speaks about the vital importance of picking an expert spinal injury solicitor.
Client testimonial video clip describing his experience of working with Bill Braithwaite QC.
Client’s family member, talking about Bill Braithwaite’s experience, expertise and personal caring.
To contact
Bill Braithwaite QC, one of the leading
brain and
spinal cord injury lawyers
click here
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